Sexual & Reproductive Health
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The Different Types of Vulvas
(Described by a Former Bikini Waxer) When it comes to the vulva, there is no stock-standard normal. Just like every other part of the human body, vulvas differ from person to person. Vulvas come in different sizes, different colours, and …
The Best Period Tracking Apps to Stay on Top of Your Flow
Life is unpredictable enough without having to blindly guess the date your period is going to arrive each month. Even if you’re one of the lucky ones with a regular cycle, you possibly still experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms …
The Best Birth Control For Acne
Did you know that acne affects over 50% of adult women in Australia, impacting not just their skin but also their confidence and self-esteem? For countless women, acne isn’t just a passing phase of adolescence; it’s a persistent, …
Squirting: Why Does It Happen And Is It Normal?
Squirting, aka female ejaculation, is one of the most controversial topics of female sex lives. Some women swear by it, others claim squirting to be a conspiracy, and somewhere in the middle we have some claiming ejaculation fluid as plain …
Should I Use a Menstrual Cup?
We’re 21st Century women living in a world loaded with options when it comes to using eco-friendly period products . If it’s your preference to use a tampon or sanitary pad, they’re both great choices. But if the tampon never served you …
Is Your Vibrator Causing Dead Vagina Syndrome?
Can excessive vibrator use desensitise your vagina? We’re all guilty of engaging in a little (or a lot of) female pleasure whenever the urge strikes, and unashamedly so! There’s nothing wrong with a little solo exploration of the female …
Is Thrush Contagious?
Itching, burning and vaginal discharge; the symptoms of thrush are anything but enjoyable. Yet, an estimated three out of four women will experience the yeast infection known as thrush during their lifetime. Yep, this super common condition …
Is the Pill Killing Your Sex Drive?
If the pill was an advertisement, it’d be a billboard for female sexual empowerment. Since its introduction, hormonal birth control pills have enabled women with the freedom to enjoy sex on their terms, with a less than 1% risk of unplanned …